Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Baby Talk

The high pressure shock front of my last couple of finals and the cold, low-pressure negative phase that followed (concepts which I have promised to discuss), have resulted in no posts for nearly two weeks, leading to one seriously unfortunate consequence: any regular readers have been greeted with Jared Fogel's bright and saggy face for the entire period. Lesson: Negative reinforcement is not a winning strategy when you're trying to build a following.
However, I'm not sure you would have been much better off if I had posted. See, I usually spend Christmas in Arizona with my brother's family, which includes five adorable little girls ranging in age from 3 to 10. Consequently, I spend a great deal of time pretending to be an evil snow monster, alerting unsuspecting victims that according to my watch it is now "tickle time," and generally living life under a pile of over-excited little girls. Generally, after a few days of this, my ability to carry on a normal conversation with adults starts to suffer. For example, two years ago, during my first week back to work after a week in Arizona, I was walking with a colleague and pointed out to him that the color of the folder I was carrying was red. He asked me what the hell I was talking about, and I had to tactfully explain to him that I had temporarily mistaken him for a three-year-old.

Unfortunately, things may only get worse in the future. My sister gave birth to twin daughters six weeks ago, bringing the total number of adorable little girls in the family to eight. (Picture of her growing gang, inset.)

There are upsides, though. They are all getting older, so the conversations/activities are becoming more cerebral and interesting. Last year we started playing Clue, which, it turns out, I absolutely love. In addition, my sister-in-law has decided to form a girls basketball team with her daughters. So, I got to spend some time with niece J. shooting baskets on then new basketball hoop (which I assembled) and showing her how to shoot lay-ups (a necessity for any budding point guard). Great fun!
Anyway, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. I did!

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