Tuesday, December 4, 2007

So This Is What Philosophers Do...

Mary Midgley writes a great article strattling the devide in the ongoing debate over Intelligent Design and Evolution entitled: A Plague On Both Their Houses. Here's an excerpt:
Any apparent clashes between [religion and science] must... arise either from faulty religion or faulty science, or both....

It should surely be obvious that there is nothing scientific about atheism. God’s existence is not a question for the tests of physical science; it belongs to metaphysics. What is wrong with fundamentalism is not its theism – theists do not need to take this line – but its sheer irrelevance. Fundamentalism is a perverse attempt to use a particular, bronze-age Hebrew vision of God to resolve factual questions in science and history. Opponents who answer fundamentalism on its own terms by arguing against this mixed project as a package-deal merely perpetuate its characteristic confusion between the realms of fact and meaning.
She nails it. Big tip of the hat to Uncommon Descent, a shameless disingenuous ID rag. :)

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