Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Dems need to step it up

I'm feeling ranty today. I'm getting really tired of the Democrats and Obama not fighting like they want to actually win. I love Obama. He's exactly what I think this country needs in a president: he's can speak intelligently without looking like a jackass, he is a really intelligent person, he's got international experience and awareness, and he's a great motivator and organizer.

I hate Bush's smirk. Bush's speeches always remind me of Henny Youngman , the King of the One Liners. "Take my wife, please!" *laughter and applause* "Liberals think we're not winning in Iraq!" *smirk and applause* No that was not an exact or real quote, but you get the idea. McCain has the same stupid speaking style. One liners and he's got the stupid smirk. A politician smirking makes me think two things: he's already rigged the election and he's really just pandering for applause. Obama doesn't smirk. When he speaks, he says stuff. This is great.

And it is bad. Obama doesn't create the soundbites. He doesn't have that one-liner style that forces the audience to get up and cheer for him after everything he says. When Obama speaks, you listen to the whole thing and it makes you think. He doesn't get the laughs for the one-liners, he makes you appreciate the whole thing. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans seem to have short attention spans and really can only appreciate "The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey kept a diary of the trip."

And a brief aside on Obama's international experience. Republicans on one hand say Obama has NO foreign policy experience, then they bash him because he lived in Indonesia as a child, saying he is not American enough. You know what? Living abroad as a child helps develop a broad understanding of different cultures and a great mind for cooperation internationally. McCain's experience seems to be based on the fact that he spent a few years in the 60s bombing the shit out of Vietnamese. Then he got to enjoy the inside of a prison. Foreign policy based on blowing up foreigners and seeking revenge for years locked in a box isn't likely to be that great.

Palin has no experience other than living near Russia (that's a bullshit response). Her experience is a lot more like Bush's. Bush governed near Mexico, but had never travelled abroad before becoming president. Palin had to apply for a passport in 2007 to visit troops in Kuwait and Germany. At least Bush governed a state with a diverse population. I would love to have a president who's at least traveled a bit. Obama has done that. He hasn't performed international negotiations or anything else, but at least people around the world like him.

Back to my point.

Ok, so back to my point, if I have one. Obama and the Dems need to step it up. A lot. They've got a great candidate in Obama (and a reliable guy in Biden). They just are not fighting the way they need to. Winning candidates show that they are ready to fight for what they want. McCain's doing that. He's ready to contradict his previous statements and say what people want him to say. McCain didn't have the support of the far right conservatives, so he chose a redneck as his vice presidential candidate. She got the votes.

The latest from the McCain camp is a new ad blasting Obama for his sexist comments about Palin. McCain's campaign is claiming that Obama called Palin a Pig with Lipstick. That's a funny image...

The context of Obama's comment has nothing to do with Palin (directly): "That's not change. That's just calling something the same thing something different. You know you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." But McCain's campaign wants to suck every bit of sympathy that they can out of Palin. She's a woman so Obama should be nice, and McCain wants to look like he will protect the women. Not that that concept isn't a bit paternalistic and demeaning to women, generally.

On the other hand, McCain used the same stupid pig in lipstick phrase to bash Hillary and has used it many times. But when Obama says it, it's sexist and McCain wants an apology.

Obama, two bits of advice for you. First, NEVER use this phrase. It should only ever be muttered by someone in Appalachia. McCain and Palin are working to corner the redneck market. Good for them. Use reaosnable, less creepy phrases. Second, fight back. Don't get on your speechifying stump and give one of your great speeches. Put together something that shows how sexist McCain is. I know you can find good clips. But fight back. This is the sort of stupid shit that people get worked up over.

I guess I'm just exhausted by this election already. I keep seeing McCain use low-brow campaign tactics and I keep seeing them work. Then Obama is staying above the fray, which I do appreciate, but it makes him look like he isn't fighting for it.

I would love to see Obama keep up his goodguy image and not stoop to McCain's level. If you have to give up your ethics to win, sometimes it isn't worth it. But McCain's contradictory tactics are working for him, look at the polls. I hope it backfires, but I don't think it will until Obama comes out swinging. Or maybe some independent Dem should start swiftboating the fuck out of McCain without Obama's approval. But somewhere or another, the Dems need to go on the offensive and stop assumign that Obama's intelligent discussion of the issues is going to win.

As a friend of mine recently said, "The last two elections, and this one incrasingly, have shown that you can bring up all the issues you want to, but that mudslinging works." While I would hate to promote the idea that the ends justify the means, I think some additional means should be used to prevent another Bush term.


Anonymous said...

Your boy, Blech Obama, is a large part of the financial crisis that he now criticizes Washington for coming to the aid of. Am I happy about the fact that it's going to cost us, the tax payers, to bail these guys out? No. But I'm mad as hell that it even became necessary. It started with Billy Bob's administration & continues today with the current Congress. Democrats have control of Congress, don't they?

Too bad so many of you only read the big words and refuse to look at the smaller writing (another chicken shit biased media ploy) or refuse to listen to all the news. Didja hear the latest idea your boy has for helping other countries? And it'll only take more than 800 BILLION dollars of OUR money. And you guys are bitching about spending, what, 70 billion, to help institutions in our own country. Kinda funny that B.O. should now come up with this bullshit plan when all we've heard him do is talk about how we need to take care of our own country's problems. Talk about hypocrites. Maybe your flip-flopping, hypocritical flounder should try applying a little lipstick. Might make him a little smarter and a little more believable.

You might want to keep a tight rein on your pig. He'd make a nice mid-morning snack for our pit bull.

Orangutan Seatbelt said...

What an ignorant sounding post. But I will refrain from commenting on all of it. I know my opinions about the fascists in the Republican party periodically make me use ignorant sounding language.

What I am most astounded with here is that this comment blames the economic problem on Bill Clinton (out of office in 2001) and the current Congress (in office 2007). So, the 6 years of unfettered national domination by Bush and the lap-dog Republican Congress had NOTHING to do with this mess. Wow. Talk about willful blindness.

And McCain is following right in Bush's oh-so-successful footsteps. At least change is change.

And you blast Obama for an $800 billion bailout and how it'll ruin the economy. I hadn't read that (no news reading done today). I did read this weekend about Bush's $700 Million bailout plan. And that's not idealized campaign-talk. The REPUBLICAN President of the United States has asked for the money from Congress.

But it looks like the DEMOCRATIC Congress wants to limit the spending.

Huh. Interesting.

And thanks for reading the blog!

Anonymous said...

I am SO sorry for leaving off a zero. Small mistake compared to all the, what was it you called it - ignorant? - sounding crap you've spouted. Periodically? Just about everything I've read that you wrote sounds ignorant. That's the opinion I'm entitled to, as are you yours.

Point is, your boy wants US, tax payers, to spend more than one hundred billion dollars more than they want us to spend (the $700 billion bailout plan) to bail out OTHER countries - the part you seem to insist on missing - when he keeps saying we have to take care of the situation HERE AT HOME - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Don't you think the problems here at home should come first? If not, maybe you should join Streisand, Sarandon, Baldwin and the others in one of those countries Mr. Obama feels we need to help.

And how do you defend Sen. Obama's real ties to Bill Ayers? It's come out that he's been much more involved with him than Mr. Obama wanted us to believe. Nice.

As to your comment about the 6 year Republican control of Congress - have you seen any GOOD changes economically in the last 2 years? Seems to me that what's happening right now has gotten seriously worse, to the point we're at now, during the 2 years the Democrats have had control. What have they done to fix the problem that they AND Sen. Obama knew about all along? Again, the problem started back in the Clinton administration and before the Republicans began their 6 year run. I may sound ignorant, but I'm not a moron.

Gauche said...

Regarding Ayers, the connection is pretty flimsy. See here:

Anyway, anonymous, thanks for reading!

Orangutan Seatbelt said...

Anonymous, I'll go ahead and reiterate my previous point. You have an absolutely astounding ability to be willfully blind to the 6 years of Republican control. So, everything is the fault of the Democrats because they couldn't fix, in two years, the mess created by the Republicans in the previous 6 years?

Or is it that the Democrats in the past two years didn't fix the problem allegedly created by Clinton? But the 2000-2006 domination by Bush and the Republican Congress shouldn't be held accountable? What about the fact that Conress has been Republican dominated more or less since 1994?

Your incredible ability to selectively blame problems astounds me. And really, with Bush in the White House and not having the needed 60 to get a vote in the Senate, how can you blame the inefficient government entirely on the Democrats?

Seems to me that almost everything they pushed toward was pretty much shot down before it could do any good. But you're probably right, it's all their fault that the economy is bad. Maybe you could sue the last sentence for a campaign ad.

Finally, I'm sorry I called you ignorant. What I meant was that your post had that air of Republican propaganda. I call that ignorance. All the name calling. "Blech Obama" and "Billy Bob" and "BO." Why can't Republicans talk about Democrats without resorting to such ignorant sounding name calling. Does it help your argument? Do you think it makes you smarter to resort to name calling? I think it sounds ignorant.

Thanks for reading the blog and keep the comments coming. I really appreciate it.

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