Saturday, September 27, 2008

Campaign Ads after the debate

I'm going to go ahead and say that McCain's post-debate ad is stupid and yet another McCain campaign distortion of the truth.

This is the ad about how Obama said "John McCain is right" several times during the debate. Way to jump on Obama for the stupidest reason possible. Attacking his competence because of his particular debate style is really disingenuous. Here's a run-down of the quoted statements:

1) "Well, I think Senator McCain's absolutely right that we need more responsibility." This followed McCain's comments that he would hold those on Wall Street accountable for this problem. Who wouldn't say that is rights? If Obama said "McCain is abolutely wrong," he would not be giving the wrong answer. Obama conceded a good point and moved on to say that his own plan would do the same thing, but more all the time.

I want a president who can look at other's statements and agree that something in what they said was useful. I don't want someone who will always stick to his own guns and never listen. That's led this country into a shithole over the last few years.

2) "Well, Senator McCain is absolutely right that the earmarks process has been abused." Who wouldn't disagree with McCain's statement that earmarks are bad. Obama then went on to criticize McCain's incessant ranting about earmarks when there are clearly bigger problems.

I want a president, again, who will listen. Obama's quoted statement shows that while McCain was speaking, Obama was listening. He took what McCain said and agreed, but then made his own case clear. This is a debate strategy. No reason to fight just to fight. Make your opponent feel good before you slap him down with your argument.

3) "Now, John mentioned the fact that business taxes on paper are high in this country, and he's absolutely right." Of course, the ad doesn't quote the next line, "Here's the problem: There are so many loopholes that have been written into the tax code, oftentimes with support of Senator McCain, that we actually see our businesses pay effectively one of the lowest tax rates in the world."

The quoted line is actually just the opening part of Obama refuting McCain's claim. Obama was agreeing with the exact fact, not agreeing with McCain's point in the least. If he had disagreed with the exact fact, he would have been wrong.

This ad is more asinine campaigning by the McCain campaign than panders to the lowest common denominator. The ignorant people in America that want to believe will see the ad and say, "Wow, Obama agrees with McCain." But those that watched the debate know that not to be true.

Of course, we all know truth is not really a priority to McCain.

And thanks for the transcript from the International Herald Tribune.

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