Friday, November 30, 2007


Gallup: Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others
(Relationship persists even when controlling for other variables.)

Ok. I don't have time to cut this apart right now, but if you read this and can't find the glaring issue in this survey that goes untouched in the analysis, then you were absent the day they were handing out common sense, and/or you have a job waiting for you at Gallup.

I'll post an adendum when I have time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Republicans report much better mental health

The comments on this link to the article make some of the same arguments. How do you miss such a big variable?

ie. "As a Psychology Student ... I must point out that all statistical analysis on "Self Reporting" (i.e. self assessment survey's taken to provide a description of an individuals health), has a correlation of approximately .03, to reality."

The fact is that either Republicans or Democrats have better mental health, but I don't think either way it is a reflection of the accuracy of your political views. I'm sure Republicans have more money, but being Republican doesn't make you richer.