Monday, July 14, 2008

Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

There are two internet arguments going on right now that really highlight the problem with the whole anonymous-intertube-speak-my-mind thing that we got going these days: not enough brakes on being inconsiderate and not enough thick skins. Consequently, we get a little good ol'fashion radicalism. WOOT!

First, the trivial. Murky Coffee, a nice place where I study with good hot chocolate, apparently has a policy that prohibits them from pouring espresso over ice for integrity of the beverage reasons. (Don't ask me, I don't know anything about coffee.)

A patron ordered one and got offended that Murky was reluctant to let him have it. He wrote a blog post about it (here) jokingly threatening arson. Unfortunately, while at Murky, he didn't notice that the place is a damned fire-trap where arson is no joke, so the owner got all upset and threatened to punch him in the dick. Thus, we have tempers flaring over coffee and how it is to be served.

This puts things into perspective, I think, as we move onto discussions of the divine. It turns out that last week at some point, some dude goes into a Catholic church, accepts the Holy Eucharist and bolts without eating it. To Catholics who believe that through transubstantiation the little bread wafer actually becomes the body of Christ, absconding with the redeemer of our sins is obviously a big deal. On the other hand, to other folks like PZ Meyers (who I must add, I totally respect and proudly link to in this general direction ===>), the practice of worrying about the well-being of a cracker is just about as silly as refusing to serve espresso on ice.

Anyway, long story short, PZ rightly mocks Bill Donohue, head of the "Catholic League" (who as far as I can tell, doesn't actually speak for any actual Catholics), but then PZ takes it a step too far and says that if someone were to get him a piece of the Eucharist he would defile it (with photos) right there on his website. This make Donohue call out PZ as a Catholic hater and push for his university to fire him. This also results in a lot of hate mail and death threats by good Christian folk, apparently. PZ posts the death threats on his website. Then PZ's people start writing hate mail in the other direction.

So where did we go wrong? Well, for starters, we got into the habit of worrying too much about what people we don't know do with their own time. We get so worried about it, that we get offended. Frankly, its ok for PZ to think it is foolish to see the son of God in a "cracker," but it is entirely another thing to encourage people to fuck with the people who do and to be insensitive to how it would make people react. For starters, it just doesn't help his cause. Donohue is a fringe blowhard, but all of a sudden he can point to someone who is willing to desecrate a cracker just to piss off total strangers. All of a sudden, Donohue, a shallow hate-monger, looks reasonable in comparison.

Anyway, PZ: back off. Catholics: what can you do for the Son of God that he can't do for himself? We should all just go out and get an iced espresso and hug it out, but apparently not at Murky.

Well, at least Louis C.K. is more bitter about coffee shops than most of us could be about anything. Somebody's gotta take it easy for all of us sinners. Am I wrong, dude?
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

(Language NSFW.)

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